Monday, February 15, 2010

fruitless hot cross buns...

when normal bread rolls just aren't shiny enough.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A fashionable sigh of relief!

If you’re nearly as fashionable as I am you’d have wasted many hours of your life staring at your cupboard torn between wearing your baggy jeans or your sand, khaki or camel corduroy slacks, wishing you were a siamese-quadtuplet so you could wear them all. Spoilt for choice and lying awake in bed at night your mind foolishly wanders to dream of a hybrid-pant where these highly-wearable, versatile and fashionable fabrics live in harmony side-by-side in some sort of bootlegged fantasy.
Well I say dream no more my friends. Introducing denim and corduroy striped pants.
Because siamese-quadtuplets are just fucked.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Community art projects..

Because train stations just aren't ugly enough already.

I’ve always wanted to meet the person who decided it was appropriate to leave the exterior design of our multi-million dollar public transport infrastructure to an army of presumably colour-blind primary school Picassos. Armed only with imagination, primary colours and skills which only a mother could pretend to love, their extensive repertoire of rainbows, stick figures, killer birds and disproportionate butterflies seems to be creeping over the city one cinder block at a time.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a stickler for fostering creativity in young folk but I yearn for the days when this aesthetic rape was confined only to preschool drying racks and suburban refrigerators. Call me a scrooge but my problems with catching public transport were numerous enough prior to averaging 4 epileptic fits and 2 bouts of vertigo before reaching the ticket machine.

Kiddies, save it for the Magna-Doodle.


they're fucked.

human names for animals...


skivvy of the week...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thursday, November 26, 2009

observation of a top bloke...


have you ever watched people sample food? i did so recently on a trip to the farmer's markets and remarkably my friend jess commented just a week later on exactly what i had noticed.

humans generally approach sampling in the same pattern, like breathing: they look inquisitively at the goods, (pause) then at each other, they sample (pause pause) they furrow their brows, look again at each other (pause) and remark respectfully with varying 'hmmm's, they nod their heads appreciatively and almost look surprised that the sample tastes good. (of course it tastes good, that's why it's on sample... and like all dukkahs and pestos don't taste the same anyway..but moving on), following the appreciative nod they hesitate as if it to purchase, (pause) place down the toothpick/cup/olive seed, slowly turn and hastily disappear as if they were never there (get the eff out of there).

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

things jennifer aniston likes...

dill. goes well with salmon.

things jennifer aniston likes...

it's a great source of omega 3.

unfunny bumper sticker

what? how can you compare a leisure activity to a method of transport? As fun as it is golf won't get you to from A to B. your car will. And if you hate driving so much how do you get to the golf course jack ass? Pogo stick?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

why not...

wear socks with sandals. it's a great way to turn your summer scuffs into winter warmers. when affordable meets fashionable.

things jennifer aniston likes...

denim shorts.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

how about the time...

my two buds coom and raph dressed up as sea turtles and had a day at the beach swimming, reclining in the sun and jumping on the backs of highly alarmed and fearful japanese tourists.

skivvy of the week...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

unfunny bumper sticker

Magic Happens!
Quick pass my wand. I’m casting a spell to make you shave your pits, stop wearing crushed velvet and realise mythology won’t change your life.

Monday, November 9, 2009

human names for animals...


things jennifer aniston likes...


how about the time...

my friend and i sold fake raffle tickets around the neighbourhood and bought confectionary with the profits.