have you ever watched people sample food? i did so recently on a trip to the farmer's markets and remarkably my friend jess commented just a week later on exactly what i had noticed.
humans generally approach sampling in the same pattern, like breathing: they look inquisitively at the goods, (pause) then at each other, they sample (pause pause) they furrow their brows, look again at each other (pause) and remark respectfully with varying 'hmmm's, they nod their heads appreciatively and almost look surprised that the sample tastes good. (of course it tastes good, that's why it's on sample... and like all dukkahs and pestos don't taste the same anyway..but moving on), following the appreciative nod they hesitate as if it to purchase, (pause) place down the toothpick/cup/olive seed, slowly turn and hastily disappear as if they were never there (get the eff out of there).